To get deep into the cell, to penetrate into the very core of your physical being?
The first part of this huge-process Pradhanakarma begins with an intensive, internal cleansing; herbal baths, massage (the bruising type!), in addition to practices of 1-day Vermana or Induced vomiting, 1 day of Virechana or induced purgation (diarrhoea) followed by 6-7 days of Basti or colonic cleanses (enemas!).
Wow!! What a start to a full on internal scrub-a-thon!!
Note: these processes are not as bad as we experience at times in our lives, with each comes a feeling of renewal.
Reaching day 10 of this cleanse and rejuvenation process; qualified as the day I could proceed to the next stage; the intensive; GHEE TREATMENT
- the day had finally arrived!
Having worked with many of these methods before in India, the Ghee process was something I have wanted to experience in full for some time.
Viewed locally as a spiritual ritual and important process in Ayurveda medicine; whilst the first part of this program is focused on cleaning out the body - TO REALLY GET DEEP, to penetrate into the very core of your being, crossing the blood brain barrier into every single cell (including the brain), and to expel the deep-rooted adipose toxins that hide deep within our bodies often for a lifetime...
- Ghee is called to the front line; line up - set and forward march...
Toxins that could have lodged from any stage within our lives; from the air we breathe, the food we eat, from chemical exposure, but perhaps most importantly from the vast emotions felt by us;
- the loves, the heartfelt losses, the hurts, the pains, the traumas experienced - whom each set up home uninvited, within a cell - feet up, lay-back, settled-in.... only moving in those call-to-action moments, a signal for a behaviour to appear, triggering a reactive response to external stimuli or to add fuel to fire to yet another emotion or situation visited!
Day 1 of the second part of this process begins with a small measure of Ghee (clarified butter) taken in 1 shot, each day that follows the measure increases x 2. Whilst not the most pleasant of tastes, it’s actually easier than you think – after all it is only liquid butter... easy right!?
Energy levels plummet as the ghee works overtime to infiltrate the cells, appetite wanes, and you find yourself going inward. It is a time of inner reflection, to step back from any form of socialising, esp digital devices and to just 'be'...
... Slowly, slowly, moments of clarity blossom into your vision like fairy dust, old feelings arise and fall like the winter sun, images and glimpses of moments gone by, many best forgotten... the sleep comes early each evening, greeting you with 8-hours of deep, unbroken blissful sleep.
This stage of the treatment lasts anywhere from 3-7 days, until complete saturation of Ghee is obtained by your body (2 of 4 symptoms to present). The tiredness mounts and time passes in a haze, as slowly it slithers its way through your system to arrive at the doorway of each and every pore on your bodies surface.... slowly, slowly...
By day 4 approx 2.5hrs after drinking 250ml of Ghee in 1 shot, my body could take no more and rejected the ghee (vomiting ensued).
Symptoms suddenly appeared in multitude; edginess, fidgety, anxiety, shaking, cold sweats, erratic thoughts and pure unadulterated exhaustion. Feelings and emotions poured forth, old and familiar yes, but those that hold no place in my life today.
It’s like being a bystander to a Broadway-show of dramatic illusions of your life so far.... whilst the emotions are there - the association of feelings are not; they are old emotions, and are not welcome - IT IS TIME TO LEAVE!
One thing was for sure - Ghee saturation had been achieved, what a relief I promise you!!
Above symptoms were a very firm indicator the Ghee had penetrated the final barrier – the brain! This caused the expulsion of these adipose toxins lodged deep within all cells, who are now flowing freely around my ENTIRE BODY – manifesting with edgy behaviours, and the emotional and physical symptoms presenting.
Within a short time I was placed into the steam box, now that my entire body was saturated in Ghee
– OF COURSE NOW THE TOXINS ARE ROAMING FREE it was time to get these dislodged bad-boy toxins OUT!
And so begins the next process of cleansing and strengthening; in which I have opted for a special process of blood-letting which many of you will know as a medieval practice, to be carried out by my very own Dr Dracula!
Not at all, my dear friend and dr, Dr Srejit will perform the letting later today. I am intrigued and excited to try this new treatment method, as practitioners in TCM we are very familiar with the bloodletting we carry out in our clinical practice, but this is VERY different method indeed!
Ok, but is it really necessary to go through such a hardcore program?
Aside from this my life includes a regular practice of gym, yoga, Tai Chi/Qi Gong, meditation and sauna/steam detoxes, PLUS balanced nutritional intake – YET we all encounter toxins that slip in through our environment, chemicals in our diet, through cosmetics, endless plastic, but the greatest toxins of all come from our emotions and the stresses experienced in our daily lives, both past and present - especially repressed ones from our younger days.
Traumatic periods we each experience create cellular memories; these get lodged deep within our fat cells, and have little intention to ever leave. Whilst there are many methods to Detox and remove and disperse toxins from your body, for me personally as a practitioner in the field of Traditional Oriental Medicine, and a Naturopath; Nothing comes close to that of Ayurveda medicine in this realm.
Its intense, working at a cellular level, and it crosses the blood brain barrier (our inbuilt personal security guard system on duty 24/7, EVERY SINGLE DAY of our lives - only a few things get past this, but that's a whole other blog topic!).
Who does this?
Many travel from far, especially Europeans at this time; people are flocking for the wonders of this therapy, to undergo a real cleanse, experience true clarity of Body, Mind and Spirit.... to feel years younger, banish chronic sickness and diseases and realign themselves.
Interestingly this time, we have 4 Allopathic European Drs staying here (not travelling together), who simply discovered the value of this medicine many years ago - understanding there is an important place for all medicines in today's world.
It is one of the most truly empowering, cleansing and rejuvenation processes on earth... and the results I see each time with so many patients, amazes and inspires me!
– TO PUT IT SIMPLY it is like pressing the RESET BUTTON!
An intensive and challenging experience; this 4th trip to India has taken me deeper into this fascinating medicine, to witness once again the deep healing offered by the world’s oldest medicine, and studying under one of Kerala’s finest Dr’s and friend in nature's paradise.
Tonight is the above mentioned Bloodletting. An opportunity to let the blood flow freely from my veins, to remove unnecessary components whilst examining the dispersed blood colours and of course the patient – ME (which I am so very happy to be at this time)!