While fitting in a couple more hours of sleep may seem challenging, it’s usually worth working fewer hours so that you can sleep the amount that you need. If you’re making the time for rest but still not sleeping, you may want to address some common reasons that people don’t sleep well.
1. You’re Stressed Out
Acupuncture, yoga, and meditation can help make you feel less stressed out. A study of elderly patients treated with acupuncture showed that the treatment made them feel less stressed, depressed and anxious. Nurses who did yoga more than twice per week reported less work stress and better sleep quality. Meditation can also help by teaching you to let go of the thoughts that keep you up at night.
We certainly recommend having a few acupuncture treatments (a total rebalance of your body and mind brings many other benefits to your life too), a couple of yoga sessions ( whether at a local class, a DVD or alternatively, why not switch on to some great free classes on Youtube - if timing is an issue with classes), plus daily meditation to relax, unwind (even just a few minutes a day can have a significant impact) and find your inner balance. If one doesn’t work alone, you can do multiple activities together to reduce your stress.
2. Your Sleep Habits Aren’t Healthy
Other unhealthy sleep habits include:
- Irregular bedtimes
- Working in bed
- Using electronic devices in bed
- Eating within 2-hours prior to bed
3. Your Internal Clock is Off
While this clock maintains many processes, it also regulates when you feel sleepy and awake. If you don’t feel sleepy at night, but you do feel sleepy all day, your clock may be off.
To reset your clock, try natural light!
Getting out and about - into the ☀️or even daylight will remind your body that it’s time to be awake - reset your clock! Try using dimmer lights and most importantly avoid blue light from your laptop and phone at night.
Try setting a pattern, a regular bedtime can help you feel sleepy and awake at the right times. Your body starts to get accustomed to the timing. You’ll start feeling sleepy at the same time every night. Of course, this tactic works better if you get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Otherwise, you may still be tired in the morning.
5 Main clinical patterns for TCM Practitioners / Acupuncturist's
In addition to these points, based on I-Ching Ba Gua theory we can now identify the 5 Core patterns
for all sleep issues inc. insomnia. We have created a chart to make this easier to refer to and identify in clinics, based on this theory and application for treatment of sleep disorders - If you would like too receive a downloadable version simply say YES in comments below or fill in your email address at link: [email protected] and we'll get it delivered into your Inbox PRONTO!!
We must never underestimate the importance and power of a good nights sleep, our lives, emotional harmony and inner peace depend on it!!
" O bed! O bed! delicious bed!
That heaven upon earth to the weary head."
~ Thomas Hood, Miss Kilmansegg – Her Dream